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wanders around Scotland

Welcome to Stravaiging, a unique blog for you to explore and join me on my travels. Scotland is both my home and my inspiration and I love having the opportunity to share my passions and thoughts with my loyal readers. Read on, and enjoy.

Home: Welcome

The Roaring Game

The last few weeks have seen the temperatures up here in the Highlands dip to the lowest I can remember for years. Keeping a draughty old...

Happy New Year!

Very warm wishes for a healthy and happy 2021 to all those of you who shared in my stravaiging through last year. In what was such a...

Guide Collective

For those of you who prefer the written word over the spoken word, I continue to write and edit articles for the Guide Collective...

Scottish Blethers

You may have been wondering where I've got to the last few weeks with no posts going up as usual. The answer is I've been blethering! Not...

Strathspey Railway

On Friday I took the return trip from Aviemore to Broomhill on the Strathspey Steam Railway that I wrote about back in July. I streamed...

Perfect Storm

The past few weeks saw a cataclysmic perfect storm for my hubby Brian. First of all he dropped his mobile phone. Losing your preferred...

Clootie Well

At the weekend I went on a road trip with my daughter - our last hurrah before she heads back to her life in London after six months up...

Clootie Dumpling

A Clootie Dumpling is a traditional treat in Scotland, particularly popular at birthdays and Christmas. A cloot is a good old Scots word...

Birthday Celebrations

The 21st of August marked my mum's 89th birthday and as she hasn't been too well recently we wanted to make it extra special! My brother...

Goodbye Old Faithfuls

A few days ago we took a hike that has been a long time in the planning. As you can see from the photo, it proved too much for my trusty...

A cycle down Glenfeshie

Last weekend I got on my bike and together with my daughter Jenny, did a 60K cycle following the path of the River Feshie - not bad for...

Bonny Blooming Heather

The last few posts have been quite wordy with lots of information for you but this past month has been so beautiful that the pictures...

Guide Collective

This week marked the launch of an ambitious new project that I'm involved in. Along with 20 other Rick Steves tour guides, we have formed...

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Saline, Fife, Scotland


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